Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Sloth

For some it would be a crisis
to be named for one of the vices,

But I doubt it bothers the sloth
any more than it would a moth!

The leaves and twigs he likes to eat
surely are no stomach’s treat--

digesting all that mass is tough:
sometimes a week is not enough!

The sloth finds motion a trial—
sedentary is his chosen style.

He finds a tree and doesn’t wander
(there is no charm in far and yonder),

nor does he wish to be on the ground:
he almost never will come down.

Is he lonely, up near the sky  
Without a friend or kin nearby,

no wife or girl to share life’s way?
We may wonder, but he won’t say!

Friday, February 17, 2017

The Scottie

There’s no dog quite like a Scottie:
both grave and just a touch dotty.

Obedience is not their long suit:
for orders they don’t give a hoot;

and cock their heads to ask a question
if they’re not sure of our suggestion.

Thick in the trunk and short at knee,
they’re quicker than they seem to be:

and many varmints being chased
soon would regret their lack of haste.

Scotties bear their tails alert,
are nothing if not rather pert,

and though too small to do much harm,
as guards they will sound the alarm.

Some seem sad but others cheerful:
Most are brave and few are fearful,

but always can this dog beguile
the saddest friend into a smile!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The Beagle

Intended to help us find rabbits,
they will not give up their habits.

On outings they’ll walk all the day 
in hopes that bunnies come their way.

The drooping ears serve well our hound—
to gather scents from near the ground;

and once they are sure of the track—
there is no way to turn them back.

But inside, they lean to lazy—
and seem to think exercise crazy!

Beagles do not bark: instead they bay,
a stern note to signal disarray;

and like all of their doggy race,
a lack of order they must erase.

Their affection is warm and sincere,
offered to anyone who’s near,

And though canines may make you shrug,
No one can resist a beagle hug!

Friday, February 10, 2017

The Little Brown Bat

Image result for bats

Little bats, you must bear the weight
of much distrust and misplaced hate,

and be resigned to unearned ties
with such lovelies as newts and flies,

and what’s worse are those witches brews
where you join toads in bubbling stews!

You’re a creature we want to dismiss,
whose demise is not thought remiss,

but still you play your vital part,
for catching insects is your art.

On summer nights, your fluttering flight
is grace-filled beauty and pure delight;

and for those who say you are no treat,
I cite the endless bugs you eat.  

Granted your occasional foray
into our homes may cause dismay,

but all those tales are worthless fare:
you have no interest in our hair!