Monday, March 20, 2017

The Blue Whale

If it comes to a contest for size,
this creature will take the first prize—

it’s so long that T-Rex would pale
if standing beside a blue whale!

Their love for fine dining is nil:
all they eat are small shrimp called krill,  

for which they search both far and near,
on the move for most of the year.

We call them calves, their little ones—
at birth they weigh about three tons!

The blue whale sees no need for phones
but sending out loud clicks and moans,

he can chat with his friends all day--
even when they are  miles away.

Since they sometimes live to eighty,
they have thoughts no doubt quite weighty,

and what I’d give to know the tales
which we could hear from old blue whales!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The Badger

The desert and the field are where
you’ll find the badger and his lair.

For privacy he feels a yen
and so he hides down in his den;

and thus likes soil both dry and sandy—
the ease of digging is most handy!

As hunter he is quite the pro,
unearthing gophers to and fro—

and so coyotes may come round,
cashing in on what he’s found.

At chasing prey, he’s sure aggressive—
but as a dad he’s not impressive:

in fact he could be called a jerk,
who leaves his wife to do the work!

He has a honor which is great—
the chosen mascot of a state,

and beyond his wildest dream,
he got to name a football team! 

Saturday, March 4, 2017


He’s a large and handsome tabby,
a boy whose looks are not shabby;

though he still has a lot to master—
his hunting is mostly disaster.

No matter how graceful the pounce,
he seemed to have empty accounts—

until today--  he nabbed his first mouse,
and proudly brought it back to the house!

He was a most happy kitten
who made sure that we were smitten 

with all of his leaping and dancing,
his sudden dashes and prancing:

he loved playing goofy clown,
lifting us up when we were down.

Today that is still Eyore’s role:
to be our carefree and joyous soul,

with no great need for perfection,
but a cat who thrives on affection.